2022 Frank Spragins Technical Award Recipient
This award is presented to APEGA members recognized by their peers for their integrity, technical expertise, and outstanding accomplishments in fields relating to engineering or geoscience.
H. Dale Miller, P. Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.)

After a professional engineering career spanning five decades and four countries, Dale Miller is glad his first career plan didn’t pan out.
He was still in high school when he made a road trip from his hometown of Odessa, Sask., to Calgary to speak with someone about studying medicine at the University of Calgary. “I realized right off the bat that I didn’t have a chance,” he laughs. Fortunately, he had a Plan B: “I decided to go into engineering, and that was a good decision.”
In 1974, with a bachelor of science degree in civil engineering, Miller launched his career and his commitment to the sustainable management, control, and conservation of one of our most precious resources—water. After spending three years designing erosion and flood-management projects in northeastern Saskatchewan, he packed his belongings and made his way to southern Alberta to develop and rehabilitate irrigation and drainage works, dams, and reservoirs.
Over the years, Miller has deftly guided the success of myriad projects. Four of his developments—the North Lateral Realignment Syphon, the Rolling Hills Reservoir Enlargement, the Raymond Reservoir Hydro Plant, and the East Arrowwood Syphon Replacement Project—received Awards of Excellence from the Consulting Engineers of Alberta and the Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada. Many of his other projects have received Awards of Merit.
His considerable experience and vast knowledge of his industry have spurred requests for him to assist with large-scale projects in India—where he performed what he calls four “tours of duty” in the 1990s—and in the United States, New Zealand, and Mexico.
For two decades, he supported his professional peers as a volunteer on various APEGA committees and as an elected member of APEGA Council, serving as vice-president and president in 2000 and 2001, respectively.
Miller hung up his slide rule last year, capping an enjoyable and rewarding career that spanned more than 40 years. Intensely proud of all he has accomplished, he was still stunned to discover he is this year’s recipient of the Frank Spragins Technical Award.
“To be nominated by your peers and recognized for your capabilities—that’s like winning an Academy Award, to me. It’s absolutely amazing.