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Benefits & Discounts for APEGA Members
As an APEGA registrant, you play a critical role in protecting and enhancing the lives of Albertans. It also means you’re eligible for exclusive benefits and discounts that can offset the cost of your annual dues.
To be eligible for these discounts, you must meet one of the following requirements:
- an active APEGA member in good standing
- an active APEGA member-in-training in good standing
- an active APEGA student enrolled in an engineering or geoscience full-time program (eligible for The Personal and Resume Restoration offers only)
- an active APEGA life member
When you contact an organization, tell them you're an APEGA registrant.
Group benefits may not always be the best price due to seasonal or limited-time promotions.
Connect with us today
If you would like to provide feedback on our current offerings or share ideas on new partners, email [email protected].
Are you interested in becoming a benefit partner?
To get started, please complete the partner application form.
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APEGA Registrants Save More
Explore each category below to discover the perks of your membership.
APEGA Certificate Frames

Order your high-quality, handcrafted certificate frame. Prices start at just $105 and are subject to GST.
APEGA Digital Signatures

APEGA’s authorized digital signature provider. Access exclusive pricing and webinars.
APEGA Wireless Program (Rogers)

Get access to 11 market-leading, Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) rate plans.
Alberta Retired Teachers' Association (ARTA) Benefit Plans

Access a variety of comprehensive health plans at affordable rates.
Bailey Nelson

Save 15% on regular-priced Bailey Nelson glasses, sunglasses, and accessories. Prescription glasses from $145, or two for $250.
Calgary Sports and Entertainment

Save up to 35% off of ticket prices for Calgary sports & entertainment events.
CIBC Wood Gundy Edmonton

Save on financial planning services and get personalized investment advice.
City of Edmonton Recreation Centres

Get 20% off annual and monthly memberships, and 15% off multi-admission passes.
Connect Hearing

Registrants and their immediate family save up to 15% on hearing technology.
Enterprise Holdings

Receive exclusive discounts on car rentals in Alberta, Canada, and the United States. Get specialized discounts on truck and cube van rentals.

Enjoy discounted fuel prices at nearly 1,800 ESSO stations in Canada and nearly 10,000 Exxon and Mobil stations in the U.S.

Save up to 70% on your shipping. APEGA members receive exclusive savings on shipping.
Garrett Agencies Life & Health Insurance

Get exclusive rates on life and health insurance plans and access free professional advice.
Geologize Practical Geocommunication Course

Access the Geologize Practical Geocommunication course—which retails for US$450 online—for free.
Insight Psychological

Access exclusive rates on personal and organization mental health support.
Local Hospitality

Receive below-market discounts on hotels, car rentals and U.S. entertainment tickets
Oilers Entertainment Group Inc.

Get exclusive group rates on tickets to select games at Rogers Place throughout the 2023–2024 regular season.

Get 5% off pet insurance. Four plans to choose from that include accident, illness, and dental coverage—no age limits.
Reconciliation Education

Reconciliation Education is the foremost educational tool for anti-racist training with authentic Indigenous voices. Access the course for only $50.
Red Arrow

Get 10% off ticket prices and enjoy unique, luxurious coaches with complimentary wi-fi.
Respect in the Workplace
For a limited time, APEGA registrants can access the course for only $20 plus GST*.
Shift Management

Enjoy discounted pricing on individual, group, and corporate coaching services. Access heavily-discounted boot camps and courses.
TELUS Spark Science Centre - Calgary

Receive 15% off individual SPARK memberships, general admission, and admission to Spark After Dark