K-12 Programs and Resources

Inspire Alberta’s next generation of engineers and geoscientists—one immersive, unforgettable learning experience at a time.

Enhance the learning experience with our exciting offerings, designed to spark the curiosities of children and youth for the dynamic worlds of engineering and geoscience. 

Through the power of experiential learning, students can witness firsthand how engineering and geoscience affects their daily lives. Watch students thrive as they develop essential skills like creativity, innovation, teamwork, communication, and problem-solving—all through fun, practical, and immersive experiences.  

These initiatives align with Alberta Education's learning outcomes, meeting curriculum goals and inspiring students with hands-on learning opportunities. 

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Rock & Fossil Clinic

APEGA Rock and Fossil Clinic

In-person | All ages
Cost: Free

The APEGA Rock and Fossil Clinic serves as an introduction to geoscience and what a career in geoscience could be like. It is a free event for families and communities to explore the wonders of geoscience, unearth history, and learn from professional geoscientists and individuals with a geoscience background. 

Dig Into Geoscience

APEGA Science Olympics

APEGA Science Olympics

In-person events across Alberta
Cost: varies by location

Interactive, interschool events for students that take learning beyond the classroom. Students are presented with a series of problem-solving challenges that demonstrate the fun side of engineering and geoscience, enabling them to experience how these fields affect our everyday lives. On the day of the event, students work alongside other teams, test their challenge prototypes, and receive feedback from professional engineers and geoscientists.

Ignite Innovation

Elementary Science Nights

In-person events across Alberta
Cost: Free

Request a Science Night and get ready for an evening of fun. Organized by APEGA’s local branches, these hands-on activities and demonstrations enhance science concepts taught in school and provide engaging experiences for adults too. Please note that these volunteer-led events are subject to volunteer availability.

Request a Science Night