2019 Excellence in Education Award Recipient
This award is presented to members of APEGA who have made exemplary contributions to teaching and learning at a recognized post-secondary institution in Alberta.
Clayton Deutsch, P.Eng., PhD
Dr. Clayton Deutsch, P.Eng., is a professor in the department of civil and environmental engineering at the University of Alberta. After spending almost two decades working in geostatistics, he has devoted the past 24 years to educating the professionals of tomorrow. As an educator, his figures are astounding: he has supervised more than 60 graduate students, mentored 530 postgraduate students, and taught 166 courses all over the world.
With unparalleled enthusiasm and humour, Dr. Deutsch challenges his students to dive deeper, make connections, and offer innovative solutions. His average student rating is 4.92 out of 5, and many of his students have risen to great heights. Several have become leaders at other institutions, including Pennsylvania State University and the China University of Geosciences, and one became the first female mining engineering professor in Canada.
“Clayton is a mentor for every aspect of life, and meeting him and having the opportunity to learn from such a brilliant and thoughtful individual was one of the greatest milestones in my life,” said one student.
Dr. Deutsch’s education influence extends well beyond the University of Alberta. He has developed and delivered short courses, workshops, and programs in numerous countries, including the United States, Chile, Brazil, Australia, and Mexico. As an external advisor, he has worked with international institutions to build curricula to meet specific goals.
With all of his successes, the accomplishments of his students is what matters most to Dr. Deutsch. In his own words, “Legacy is about the people.”