Nomination Information

Nominations for the 2025 Summit Awards will open in the summer.

Each year, the awards celebrate leadership and excellence in the practices of engineering and geoscience in Alberta. There are 11 different awards available to be awarded to individuals, teams, or projects.

Recipients of APEGA Summit Awards are a lens on the important and diverse work APEGA members do. The honourees serve the public and enhance the lives of Albertans by:

  • reducing environmental impacts and advancing sustainable development
  • improving business effectiveness through new and emerging technologies
  • promoting outreach and diversity initiatives
  • demonstrating outstanding innovation and leadership in their professions


How to Nominate a Person, Team, or Project

Each award has its own nomination form and requires specific documents. Make sure you read all of the instructions for each award carefully and prepare any documents necessary before starting your nomination. Complete the nomination form and attach documents describing the nominee and the achievements that qualify for the award. Include any supporting evidence that the Honours and Awards Committee may wish to consider.

Supporting documentation templates have been provided for each award to help you develop and submit high-quality nominations. The links to those files are available in each nomination form, and on this page.

Save and Resume Later

You may take as long as you wish to prepare your nomination, including editing the details as many times as you need. Click the "Save and Resume Later" link at the bottom of each nomination form page to get a unique link for your nomination entry that you can save and come back to later. However, once you click "Submit Form" on the last page, your nomination is final and you may not edit it further.

Before Starting a Nomination Submission

Determine the appropriate Summit Award category for the person or project you want to nominate. Confirm that the nominee is eligible by reading the Evaluation Considerations. Criteria vary for each award, but in general:

  • an individual must be an APEGA member in good standing
  • for projects, the project leader must be an APEGA member, or the company responsible for the project must be an APEGA Permit Holder

What Information to Include

You can find award criteria in the Evaluation Considerations section of the Summit Award category you would like to nominate someone for, as well as a template to download to help you develop your nomination. Read carefully to see what type of information the selection committee is looking for.

When you’re ready, create a nominee profile. Use headings identical to those listed under the Evaluation Considerations.

Download the Nomination Templates

All templates are saved as .docx files. You can open them with Microsoft Word 2007 or later, or the online document viewers built into most cloud-based storage applications such as DropBox, Google Drive, or OneDrive.

Nomination Tips

  • Make sure the information you include relates to the award and why the nominee is deserving of an award.
  • Be descriptive. Explain how the nominee meets the award criteria. Provide specific examples of the nominee’s contributions. This is your opportunity to tell the Summit Award selection committee how the nominee has made an impact.
  • Pay attention to the point values listed beside each heading. Provide more detailed descriptions for criteria with higher point values.
  • There is no word count limit. However, the best award entries are concise and focus on the nominee’s key achievements related to the award.
  • Don’t forget to proofread your submission for grammar and spelling. Clean, clear copy and shorter paragraphs make it easier for the selection committee to evaluate your submission.

What Supporting Material to Include

Other supporting material can be submitted to help the selection committee evaluate the nominee and their achievements. This may include:

  • the nominee’s curriculum vitae, including publications, grants, or honours and awards received
  • letters of support to provide well-rounded views of the nominee and their accomplishments
  • related news articles or other published articles (print or online)
  • PowerPoint presentations that provide an overview of a project (details must be available for public distribution)
  • images related to the award, with detailed descriptions (must be available for public distribution)
Still have questions about Summit Award Nominations? Email [email protected]

Start the Nomination Process by Selecting a Category

There are 11 different awards available to be awarded to individuals, teams, or projects. Each category has its own criteria, so be sure to read up on what we're looking for before you start your nomination.