Post-Graduate Work Experience

Applicants applying for a Professional Member or Licensee designation may receive work experience credit from the APEGA Board of Examiners if they have completed a significant research project or thesis as part of a master’s degree or a Ph.D. in geoscience,   geophysics, or geology.

All Professional Member and Licensee applicants that have completed a research project or thesis as part of their Masters or Ph.D., can claim Post-Grad Experience Credit. Applicants initially applying for a Member-in-Training or Professional Licensee designation cannot claim Post-Graduate Work Experience Credit.

Work experience credit for post-graduate degrees in engineering:
  • Must be requested in Step 6 – Work Experience of the online application
  • Will only be granted to completed post-graduate degrees
  • Can be given for an acceptable post-graduate degree in geoscience or related fields, at the consideration of the Board of Examiners
  • Is only available for time spent in full-time study towards the post-graduate degree
  • To be eligible, applicants must be recommended as academically qualified by the APEGA Board of Examiners
  • Is only for the research portion of the program and must demonstrate significant geoscience, geophysics, or geology content 

Eligibility of Post-Graduate Experience Credit is to the discretion to the Board of Examiners for final approval.

Maximum Amount of Eligible Credit

Type Of DegreeMaximum Credited Months
Master's degree that was course-based–only0 months credit
Master's degree that included a thesis or project0-12 months credit
PhD that included a thesis0-24 months credit

The maximum amount of credited months will not change regardless if multiple post-graduate degrees are submitted.


Request Post-Graduate Work Experience Credit

To request Post-Graduate Work Experience Credit, applicants must:

1. Have an official copy of the post-Graduate transcripts directly from the academic institution, or a  WES ICAP Course by Course Report sent to the APEGA Edmonton Head Office

2. Upload the following information into Step 6 - Work Experience of the myAPEGA Online Application System (OAS) or email the information to [email protected]:

  • A PDF or Word document extracted from the original Thesis or Project with the following sections only: Title Page, Abstract, Conclusion and Recommendations.

3.Request a Letter of Recommendation from their thesis or project supervisor, written on university letterhead, and sent directly from their supervisor to APEGA to the email address [email protected]

Read about the Letter of Recommendation

4. Complete and submit a Work Experience Record (WER) record covering the period of their post-graduate work experience. It must contain the following information:

  • In the top section of the WER record provide:
  1. The name of the employer
  2. Dates worked for that employer
  3. Position title
  4. Country where the work was performed
  5. Name and designation of the supervisor
  6. Name and designation of the reference who took responsibility for the work
  7. Reference contact information (e-mail address or mailing address)
  • Through the drop-down select either Employed-Full Time or Employed-Part Time
  • Do not choose student for this work record
  • Enter a brief overview of the position
  • Choose whether the pre-grad experience was with at a professional level, technical level, or both
    • If both, divide the total months between profession and technical
  • Fill out the details of their position in the professional level, technical level, or both

Read about References