Application for Membership is Approved
If the Board of Examiners decides to approve your application for enrolment or registration, then the following pages will be most helpful to you as a new Member. Be sure to explore all of the APEGA website to answer any questions you may have and learn more about being an APEGA Member.
Paying Membership Dues
Once your application for membership has been approved, you will be invoiced for your first year's dues. Then, each year APEGA will mail you an invoice 30 days before your anniversary date, and you have 30 days from the date of the invoice to submit your full payment to APEGA.
Your APEGA Benefits
If you are a Professional Member, Member-in-Training, or Life Member in good standing, you are eligible to received discounts and special offers on a wide range of products and services. This includes travel, business services, insurance, and more.
Licensed professionals authenticate professional work products with official stamps, which can only be ordered by APEGA. Your authentication indicates that you are taking full responsibility for the professional work product.
Updating Your Personal Information
If there is a change to any of your personal information, you should update APEGA as soon as possible. This includes name changes, new contact information, or changes to your practising status.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program
If you are a Professional Member, Professional Licensee, or Licensee, you must claim at least 240 professional development hours over three years, with an average of 80 hours per year. These hours are to be submitted after the end of your first year as a Member.
Proper Use of Titles & Designations
To protect the public, only permit holders and certain member categories have the right to use certain titles and designations. These are called reserved titles and reserved designations.