Good Character & Reputation Declaration for Professional Licensee Applications

All APEGA applicants are required to complete a Character Declaration e-Form, which is available within the Online Application System (OAS) on the myAPEGA portal. 

With this e-Form, applicants will verify:

  • Identity
  • Whether they are, or have been registered (or applied) with any other Canadian engineering or geoscience professional licensing body including APEGA
  • They are of good character and reputation

The Character Declaration e-Form will show as "Incomplete" in your myAPEGA portal after it is submitted, until it has been processed by APEGA staff.

The Board of Examiners Character Committee reviews all character cases, including whether an applicant has even been found guilty or has any outstanding judgement for: 

  • Unprofessional conduct or unskilled practice by a professional regulatory organization or agency
  • An offence under the Engineering or Geoscience Professions Act or equivalent legislation in other jurisdictions
  • Any criminal offense
  • Negligence due to unskilled practice of the professionals in any civil actions made against the applicant
  • Academic misconduct

False statement or misrepresentation may also initiate an investigation, which could disqualify an application from registration. 

Applicants may still qualify for registration if they answered "Yes" to one or more of the character questions if sufficient documentation and explanations are provided. Documentation that may be requested from the applicant include:


  • Additional details of the event
  • Police Reports
  • Court Transcripts
  • Any additional follow-up that occurred
  • Confirmation that any conditions have been completed


  • Additional details of the event
  • Letters from Professors or Deans regarding the incident
  • Any follow-up that occurred