Continue Your Career Here

As an internationally trained engineer or geoscientist, you bring valuable experience and skills to Alberta. At APEGA, we’re here to help you take the next step in your career by providing the resources, guidance, and support you need to get your licence to practise in Alberta.

How APEGA Supports Your Journey

Credential recognition

We ensure your international qualifications are assessed accurately and without unnecessary delays, allowing you to practise your profession in Alberta.

Application guidance

Navigating licensure can be complex, but our team offers step-by-step support throughout the process from application to approval

Professional development

We offer resources, training, and networking opportunities for you to grow and advance your career.

Why Choose Alberta

Immediate employment opportunities

Begin working under the supervision of a licensed professional engineer or geoscientist while registering with APEGA. This allows you to join the job market faster and contribute to Alberta’s thriving economy.

Foreign credentialling expertise

In 2023, 45 per cent of APEGA applicants were from other countries. This means we are highly experienced in processing applications from internationally trained professionals like you. Our dedicated team understands the unique challenges you may face and is prepared to guide you through every step.

Apply before you arrive

You can start your application process with APEGA before you move to Canada, making your transition smoother.

Did you know?

In Alberta—and all of Canada—it’s required by law that engineers and geoscientists be licensed by the provincial or territorial regulator, like APEGA, to independently practise engineering or geoscience. This ensures public safety and upholds the integrity of the professions.

Your First Steps

  1. Read our licensure and application overview

    Download the overview PDF

  2. Start your application with APEGA

    Apply for membership

45% of the engineering and geoscience applicants in 2023 were from other countries

Success Stories

Eghon Odigie, P.Eng.
After going through the process with APEGA, it gives you confidence in APEGA and the Alberta engineers, and the work that's being done here, knowing that people have to go through such a thorough process.
Eghon Odigie, P.Eng.
Originally from Nigeria

Read about Eghon's experience