Practice Notices

APEGA licensed professionals and permit holders must ensure they stay informed and up to date with all regulatory requirements and professional obligations. Please be aware of the following notices regarding changes to practice standards, bulletins, and guidelines.

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Withdrawn Practice Standards

Evaluation of Oil & Gas Reserves for Public Disclosure Practice Standard

Withdrawn on March 25, 2021, following a 60-day public consultation period that ended on June 30, 2020.  Notice of the proposed withdrawal was posted on this website, sent to all licensed professionals in a regulatory email, and promoted in the ePEG newsletter encouraging registrants to provide feedback. A total of two comments were received, and the Practice Review Board reviewed them and recommended to Council to withdraw the practice standard.

Quality Inspection of Geophysical Data Practice Standards

Withdrawn on March 25, 2021, following a 60-day public consultation period that ended on November 30, 2020. Notice of the proposed withdrawal was posted on this website, sent to all licensed professionals in a regulatory email, and promoted in the ePEG newsletter encouraging registrants to provide feedback.

  • A total of four comments were received and considered by the Practice Standards Subcommittee and the Practice Review Board, resulting in the recommendation to withdraw the practice standard. In March 2021, Council approved the recommendation and the practice standard Quality Inspection of Geophysical Data was withdrawn.

    The key reasons for this decision are:

    These publications broadly apply to both engineering and geoscience professions, therefore, additional guidance on the specific subject of quality inspection of geophysical data is not necessary nor aligns with APEGA’s strategic direction on the development and maintenance of professional practice standards.

    What should or should not be considered by licensed professionals while conducting a quality inspection of geophysical data?

    The quality inspection (QI) of geophysical data may include:

    • a review of parameters on section side labels, SEGY trace headers, or on broker information sheets
    • quality parameters such as signal-to-noise, frequency, continuity
    • brief comparisons of other lines included in the QI with different recording parameters
    • positions of the ends and bends on the seismic lines
    • measuring and locating gaps or areas of poor quality in the data

    The following should not be part of a QI, and engaging in any of these activities may lead to an investigation of unprofessional conduct:

    • intentional interpretation or opinions provided for business purposes before a license is confirmed.
    • QI notes made by the prospective licensee containing specific interpretation or interpretive opinions
    • quantitative measurements such as specific shot point and station coordinates or locations, except ends and bends as noted above.
    • measuring reflection time, using dividers, and comparing QI data to a synthetic seismogram or an interpreted seismic section
    • making copies of any portion of the data
    • requests for any data to be removed from the direct physical control of the licensor or broker

Withdrawn Practice Guidelines

Advertising of Professional Services Practice Guideline

Withdrawn July 31, 2022. This practice guideline was withdrawn as this subject is addressed in the Ethical Practice guideline.

Determining the Need for Professional Involvement in Outsourced Engineering Practice Guideline

Withdrawn March 25, 2021. Replaced by the practice standard Relying on the Work of Others and OutsourcingLicensed professionals must refer to the practice standard and incorporate its requirements into their practice and their PPMP.

Determining the Need for Professional Involvement in Outsourced Geoscience Practice Guideline

Withdrawn March 25, 2021. Replaced by the practice standard Relying on the Work of Others and OutsourcingLicensed professionals must refer to the practice standard and incorporate its requirements into their practice and their PPMP.

Human Rights Issues in Professional Practice Guideline

Withdrawn January 31, 2019. This practice guideline was withdrawn because this topic is now addressed in other legislation, such as the Alberta Human Rights Act.

Professional Practice Management Plans

Withdrawn April 30, 2022. Replaced by the practice standard Professional Practice Management Plan. Permit holders and licensed professionals must refer to the practice standard and incorporate its requirements into their PPMP.

Relying on Work Prepared by Others Practice Guideline

Withdrawn March 25, 2021. Replaced by the practice standard Relying on the Work of Others and Outsourcing. Licensed professionals must refer to the practice standard and incorporate its requirements into their practice and their PPMP.

Responsibilities for Engineering Services for Building Projects Practice Guideline

Withdrawn August 3, 2023, following a 70-day public consultation period that ended on January 31, 2023. The Practice Review Board reviewed the comments and proceeded to withdraw the practice guideline. Licensed professionals must refer to the relevant practice standards and guidelines to meet their professional obligations.