#MakerMonday with the TELUS World of Science – Edmonton

Looking for a new way to bring science into your child’s life? Look no further than your kitchen (and the TELUS World of Science – Edmonton) for #MakerMondays!


Interested in bringing a little bit of mad science into your kitchen? Wondering about the best way to ignite your child’s passion in science after two months of home schooling? Wonder no longer – we’ve found a solution!

The TELUS World of Science – Edmonton (TWoSE) and APEGA have a long-standing relationship built on curiosity, education, and a love of all things STEM. That’s why we are pleased to start promoting their #MakerMonday activities – a weekly challenge hosted on Facebook Live.

Each Sunday, the necessary equipment and experiment description is posted on TWoSE social media channels. Then, every Monday, you can tune in and learn with one of TWoSE’s amazing staff members!

Past episodes

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Follow Telus World of Science - Edmonton on Facebook to learn more, access past experiments, and to find out what other fun activities await you.

Visit the TWoSE Facebook page