2006: D.B. (David) Chalcroft, P.Eng., FEC, FCAE, FCSSE, FGC (Hon.)

David Chalcroft obtained his B.Sc. in civil engineering from the University of Manitoba. After completing a number of international projects, he and his family settled in St. Albert, Alta. in 1972.
Chalcroft enjoyed a 37-year career with UMA Engineering Ltd., during which he managed teams that tackled major engineering challenges such as Syncrude’s water supply system, Edmonton’s light rapid transit tunnels and the Dickson and OldmanRiver dams. He was UMA’s vice-president responsible for operations in southern Alberta during the 1990s. In 2002, Chalcroft retired from UMA.
Chalcroft has been active in APEGGA affairs since 1990. He has served on the strategic planning committee, the act, regulations and bylaws committee, the practice review board, the insurance review task force, the inclusivity consultation group and as a member of council.
Chalcroft was instrumental in resolving the long-standing differences between APEGGA and the Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta. He helped the associations reach an agreement that was ratified by members of both associations and passed into law by the provincial legislature. The result was a new one act, two associations regulatory model for engineering and geoscience in Alberta.
Chalcroft has also been involved with the consulting engineering industry’s provincial and national associations, with nine years on the board of the Consulting Engineers of Alberta (CEA) and five years on the board of the Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada. During this time, he helped establish Alberta’s Transportation Infrastructure Career Development Program and the CEA Showcase Awards. In 2002, he was instrumental in establishing the Canadian chapter of Registered Engineers for Disaster Relief (RedR Canada).
For his outstanding contributions to the association and the professions, Chalcroft has won several awards including the APEGGA L.C. Charlesworth Professional Service Summit Award® (2002), the Alberta Centennial Medal (2005), CEA’s Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Distinguished Achievement (2009) and the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies’ (ACEC) Beaubien Award (2010). He was awarded an APEGGA Honorary Life Membership in 2007.
Chalcroft has also been named a fellow of Engineers Canada, the Canadian Academy of Engineering, the Canadian Society of Senior Engineers, and an honorary fellow of Geoscientists Canada.