1991: Noel A. Cleland, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.)

Born and raised in Australia, Noel Cleland received his bachelor's degree in mining engineering (honours) from the University of Sydney. He moved to Canada in 1954 after working three years in the Australian coal and oil industry. In Alberta, he launched a career in the oil industry that included drilling, production and reservoir engineering.
In 1994, he retired from Sproule Associates Ltd. where he held several key positions. Cleland is an independent petroleum engineering consultant and the president of Cleland Energy Ltd.
His contribution to professional and technical societies is extensive. He is past-president of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM). He was presented with the Distinguished Service Medal by the Petroleum Society of the CIM and also received the CIM Robert Elver Mineral Economics Award. Cleland lectured extensively on petroleum economics including 20 years at the University of Calgary. He is a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME and past-president of the Petroleum Communication Foundation.
His commitment to the engineering profession and APEGGA culminated in his service as president (1991-92). He was a councillor (1986-89) and in 1990 APEGGA honoured him for his technical expertise with the Frank Spragins Technical Award. In 1992 he was made an Honorary Life Member. The association also presented him with the L.C. Charlesworth Professional Service Award in 1996. He was named a fellow of Engineers Canada in 2009 and an honorary fellow of Geoscientists Canada in 2013.
Cleland served the association as a representative to the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers (now Engineers Canada), from 1996-2002. In May 2000, he was elected president of CCPE.