1985: Donald G. Bellow, P.Eng., FCAE, FEC, FGC (Hon.)

Dr. Don Bellow was born in Winnipeg and graduated in 1956 with a bachelor of applied science in mechanical engineering from the University of British Columbia. After working in Ontario, he obtained M.Sc. and PhD degrees from the University of Alberta. He joined the university's engineering faculty in 1963 and retired in 1996.
His many activities at the university included the initiation and development of a faculty proposal for a co-operative education program that was implemented in the mechanical engineering department in 1981. He was chair of the department for nine years. In 1989 he was appointed associate vice-president (facilities) and in 1994 appointed to the position of special assistant to the vice-president (finance and administration). In 1998 he was elected to the University Senate and also served as the president of the Association of Professors Emeriti of the University of Alberta.
Bellow has a long and accomplished record of service with APEGGA. He has been a member of various committees over the years. He served as first vice-president and was elected president in 1985. He received the L.C. Charlesworth Professional Service Award in 1982 and was granted Honorary Life Membership in 1986. He also served as APEGGA's representative to the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers (now Engineers Canada) from 1987-93. In 1992 he was elected a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, in 2009 he was named a fellow of Engineers Canada and in 2013 he was named an honorary fellow of Geoscientists Canada.
Bellow also participates in many technical associations. He began the first student section of the American Society for Mechanical Engineering in Alberta and was on the steering committee that started the Edmonton chapter of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering. In 1986 he was named a fellow of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering.