APEGA Announces Results of 2025 Council Election

APEGA Council Election

The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) is pleased to announce the results of the 2025 council election.

For executive council, Dean Mullin, P.Eng., is acclaimed and will serve as president-elect on APEGA’s 2025–2026 council, serving as president the following year.

Five councillors were successful in their bid for APEGA Council.

  • Kari Anderson, P.Eng.
  • James Ferguson, P.Eng.
  • Alex Haluszka, P.Geo.
  • William (Bill) King, P.Eng.
  • Wendy Shier, P.Geo.

Wendy Shier, P.Geo., was successful in her bid for re-election. Kari Anderson, P.Eng., James Ferguson, P.Eng., and Alex Haluszka, P.Geo., will be joining her as first-time councillors. All four will be serving a full three-year term. William (Bill) King, P.Eng., was also re-elected and will serve a two-year term, filling a vacancy.

At APEGA’s annual general meeting on April 25, 2025, the elected registrants will be officially installed in their roles. They will join Terri Steeves, P.Eng., and Tracey Stock, P.Eng., who will become president and past-president, respectively, and 10 councillors serving ongoing terms to form APEGA’s 2025–2026 council.

First elected to council in 2022, Mullin is a consulting industry executive with 30 years of experience as a practising structural engineer, business owner, manager, and leader. Mullin is a fellow of Engineers Canada and an honorary fellow of Geoscientists Canada. An active volunteer in the engineering community, Mullin has served his professional peers in various capacities with APEGA, including as a member of the Discipline Committee and the Honours and Awards Committee. He is currently vice-president and integration leader at Stantec Consulting.

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