APEGA’s Edmonton office is moving to a new location


At the end of 2024, APEGA’s Edmonton office will be moving from downtown to the south side of the city.

With our current office space lease expiring in 2024 and APEGA’s adoption of a flexible working model, we were presented with the opportunity to explore moving to a new location. Through our search, we found a new space that ensures APEGA remains fiscally responsible, in part by reducing the overall square footage of our office.

More collaboration, steadfast regulation

All staff members will work on one floor in the new location, increasing our ability to collaborate on meeting APEGA’s strategic goals. The new office building is accessible using major roads, is near the new LRT transit line, and has plenty of affordable parking options for our staff, volunteers, and visitors.

“We’re excited to open the door to our new location,” says Jay Nagendran, P.Eng., registrar and CEO of APEGA. “As our registrants continue to drive Alberta forward with courage and innovation, this space will enable APEGA staff to continue to provide regulatory support to enhance public trust in the professions.”

More information will be provided in the coming year.


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