Events & Professional Development Calendar

Webinar | Overcoming the Pain of Career Trauma

23 Oct 2024
Register by October 21, 2024

This presentation helps us understand the effects of career trauma on our nervous systems. It offers three simple techniques to start using right away to help mitigate the harmful effects of career trauma and create a sense of safety in our own nervous systems. These techniques serve to increase our nervous system safety, resulting in improvement in well-being, health, and ability to appropriately respond to work tasks. A safe nervous system has the added benefit of increasing psychological workplace safety in those around us, contributing to happier, healthier workplaces.

This session will be held through ON24 and is proudly brought to you as part of APEGA's Building Mental Health Together series.

For any questions about this event, please contact [email protected].

About the speaker

Dr. Marie Gervais is a certified conscious emotional freedom techniques practitioner and a certified emotional success coach using modalities that focus on emotional regulation, visualization, body sensation (somatics) and breathwork. She specializes in helping clients with workplace distress, career mapping, and removing emotional blocks to work.
Her experience working with diverse populations and varying English proficiency skill levels have provided her with insights into how people feel welcome at work, and what they need to be productive in their roles. Her ongoing research in the future of work and workplace trends led her to write the book The Spirit of Work: Timeless Wisdom, Current Realities, available in eVersion and book form.


  • Speaker:
    Dr. Marie Gervais
  • Cost:
  • Eligible CPD Hours:
  • Registration Deadline:
    October 21, 2024