From 2015 to 2017, there were nearly 50 recommendations that were brought before APEGA's Council for consideration. These have been organized into categories for easier navigation. Select a category below to see each set of recommendations and Council's position on each.
Council, Registrar, and Statutory Entities Disciplinary Process Membership Categories Professional Practice
Authority of Practice Reviewers
Recommendation | APEGA practice reviewers to be the authority to conduct practice reviews similar to the authority contained in the ASET Regulation the Professional Technologists Regulation or the Chartered Professional Accountants Act, Alberta. |
Council's Position | Endorsed by Council |
Building Code Exemptions
Recommendation | Repeal the Building Code exemptions in sections 2(6) & (7) the EGP Act to avoid duplication in demand side legislation; and have the EGP Act reference the Alberta Building Code as the sole source for relevant exemptions. |
Council's Position | Endorsed by Council |
Improving Professional Practice
Recommendation | To clarify the role and responsibility of the Practice Review Committee to focus on the competency of the professions by:
Council's Position | Council Amendment to the Recommendation: Council endorsed all recommendations with one exception: the decision of the practice review panel will be open to appeal Criteria will be developed through Council Regulation and Policy to define when and how these recommendations will be used |
Permit to Practice
Recommendation |
Council's Position | Endorsed by Council |
Recommendation | Council endorses the proposed recommendations that the legislation be amended to explicitly:
Council's Position | Endorsed by Council |
Recommendation | Council endorses, the proposed recommendation that the EGP Act and General Regulation be amended to remove all references to reinstatement and to require that a permit holder whose registration has been cancelled, for any reason, initiate re-registration the same as any other applicant in accordance with criteria approved by Council. |
Council's Position | Endorsed by Council |
Practice Prohibitions
Note: As a result of the 2018 mediation discussions between APEGA and ASET, revisions were made to the practice prohibition recommendations arising from the spring 2017 stakeholder consultations. The revisions were made to enhance public protection and further clarify the guiding principles surrounding practice prohibitions for APEGA licensed professionals and permit holders as well as ASET professional technologists and permit holders.Recommendation (Spring 2017) | Council endorses the proposed recommendation that the EGP Act and General Regulation be amended to clarify that the existing practice prohibition sections only apply to members and permit holders whose licences or permits have been suspended or cancelled because of disciplinary or practice review proceedings. |
Council's Position | Endorsed by Council |
Recommendation (2018) | Amend the Act by deleting sections 97(1), (2), (3); 86.3(1)&(2); and 95.1(1) and replacing them with a new section that captures the guiding principles below:
Council's Position | Endorsed by Council |
Refining the Continuing Professional Development Program
Recommendation |
Council's Position | Endorsed by Council |
Updating Authentication Practices
Recommendation |
Council's Position | Endorsed by Council |
Recommendation |
Council's Position | Endorsed by Council |