The champions collaborative is a volunteer group of professionals representing Branches, Permit Holders, Statutory Boards, Members, Members-in-Training and Key Members of APEGA’s leadership team. These ambassadors bring their colleagues together to help inform them of the process and ensure feedback is obtained in meaningful ways. APEGA appreciates these dedicated professions who also work to inform and educate Members and Permit Holders on the legislative review about key issues and important elements that should be considered in the new legislation.
The following people are Champions Collaborative members
Ahmed Ali, P.Eng., PhD
Aldous Walters, P.Eng.
Amro Alansar, P.Eng.
Ana Mayumi Tanaka, P.Eng.
Anil Gupta, P.Eng.
Brandon McGlone, P.Eng.
Brennan J. MacDougall, P.Eng.
Carmen Bogdan, E.I.T.
Charles Henderson, P.Geol.
Craig Maunder, P.Eng.
Curtis Alexander, P.Eng.
Dr. Dale Leckie, P.Geol.
Doug Cox, P.Eng.
Dustin Wiltermuth, P.Eng.
Geoffrey Kneller, P.Eng.
Gerald Langille, P.Geo., PhD
James Ferguson, P.Eng.
James Johansen, P.Eng.
Jason Vanderzwaag, P.Eng.
Jennifer Enns, P.Eng.
Joel Sanchez, P.Eng.
Kathy Diaz, P.Geo.
Ken Mitchell, P.Geoph.
Kirstine Hull, P.Eng.
Mark Ramsden, P.Eng.
Mary Ann Byrd, P.Eng.
Monika Bhardwaj, P.Eng.
Nathan Schmidt, P.Eng.
Naval Tauh, P.Eng.
Neda Boroumand, Geoph.I.T.
Nawras Al-Akkad, P.Geol.
Peter Doell, P.Eng.
Dr. Rachel Newrick, P.Geoph., P.Geol.
Roghoyeh Salmeh , P.Eng., PhD
Sadiq Pirani, P.Eng.
Samantha Oler, P.Eng.
Scott Friel, P.Eng.
Stephen Huber, P.Eng.
Stephen Hunt, P.Eng.
Suresh Sharma, P.Eng.
Tim(othy) Cartmell, M.Eng., P.Eng.
Tom Sneddon, P.Geol.
Dr. Tony Cadrin, P.Geol.
Tracey Stock, P.Eng., LLB
Victor Benz, P.Eng.
Vincent Chiew, P.Eng., PhD