APEGA regulates engineering and geoscience

Our main regulatory function is licensing individuals and companies that want to practise engineering and geoscience in Alberta.

Learn who we are

Apply for a licence to practise

Find out which membership type you should apply for.

Start your application

Published discipline decisions

APEGA registrants are required to practise engineering and geoscience skilfully, ethically, and professionally. APEGA investigates written complaints from registrants and the public.

Read recent decisions


  • Discipline Decisions & Orders

    APEGA publishes discipline decisions and recommended discipline orders resulting from unprofessional conduct or unskilled practice by registrants.
  • Standards, Bulletins, and Guidelines

    APEGA's practice standards, bulletins, and guidelines explain the roles and responsibilities of professional members.
  • APEGA Annual Report

    Each spring, prior to the annual general meeting, APEGA produces a report of its activities, statistics, and finances, which it submits to the Government of Alberta.
  • Professional Practice Management Plan (PPMP)

    Enforceable as of May 1, 2023, this practice standard outlines the required parts of an APEGA permit holder's PPMP.
  • Continuing Professional Development

    This mandatory program ensures the health, safety, and welfare of the public by requiring that professionals engage in lifelong learning on an annual basis.
  • Good Standing

    Learn about APEGA's criteria for determining whether members and permit holders are considered in good standing.



  • Coming North: Building a Home and a Career

    With determination and support, Elsa Hernández Manrique, P.Eng., transitioned her engineering career from Mexico to Alberta, achieving licensure with APEGA.
  • The Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer logo

    APEGA Employee’s Poem Chosen by Corporation of Seven Wardens

    We are proud to congratulate APEGA Director of Member Engagement & Communications Gisela Hippolt-Squair, BA, FGC (Hon.), for her poem “The Hand that Wears the Ring,” which was chosen as the new English poem for the Obligation Ceremony by the Corporation of the Seven Wardens.


  • Webinar | Humanity’s Top Priority in 2025: Energy Security

    This presentation will discuss achieving and maintaining energy security as the top priority for all of humanity. We'll discuss how billions of global citizens live without energy security and strive every day to achieve it, examine how failure to appreciate the importance of energy is endangering energy security in many high-income nations, and more.

  • Medicine Hat Branch Social | Hockey Night

    Members and families are invited to join the APEGA Medicine Hat Branch to watch the Medicine Hat Tigers as they take on the Kelowna Rockets.

  • Webinar | Energy Upcycling Using Heat Pumps

    This session will discuss how CO2-neutral, high temperature process energy can be derived from waste heat upcycled with heat pumps. Brought to you by the Calgary Branch. Everyone is welcome to attend.

  • Webinar | Introduction to LEED: The Premier Green Building Rating System

    Interested in getting a professional certification in sustainability? One of the most well-known is LEED, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. Join this session to hear an introduction to LEED.

  • Webinar | CSA Structural Design and Welding Requirements

    This webinar will overview the welding standards used for the design, welding, and CWB certification programs for structures built to meet Canadian municipal, provincial, and federal building codes, bridges, occupational health and safety codes, specifications, and regulations.