• LMS Outage Notice

    Due to scheduled maintenance, APEGA's learning course will be unavailable in myAPEGA on Thursday, Feb. 20, from 1 to 2 a.m. MST. We apologize for any inconvenience.

APEGA regulates engineering and geoscience

Our main regulatory function is licensing individuals and companies that want to practise engineering and geoscience in Alberta.

Learn who we are

Apply for a licence to practise

Find out which membership type you should apply for.

Start your application

Published discipline decisions

APEGA registrants are required to practise engineering and geoscience skilfully, ethically, and professionally. APEGA investigates written complaints from registrants and the public.

Read recent decisions


  • Discipline Decisions & Orders

    APEGA publishes discipline decisions and recommended discipline orders resulting from unprofessional conduct or unskilled practice by registrants.
  • Standards, Bulletins, and Guidelines

    APEGA's practice standards, bulletins, and guidelines explain the roles and responsibilities of professional members.
  • APEGA Annual Report

    Each spring, prior to the annual general meeting, APEGA produces a report of its activities, statistics, and finances, which it submits to the Government of Alberta.
  • Professional Practice Management Plan (PPMP)

    Enforceable as of May 1, 2023, this practice standard outlines the required parts of an APEGA permit holder's PPMP.
  • Continuing Professional Development

    This mandatory program ensures the health, safety, and welfare of the public by requiring that professionals engage in lifelong learning on an annual basis.
  • Good Standing

    Learn about APEGA's criteria for determining whether members and permit holders are considered in good standing.



  • Coming North: Building a Home and a Career

    With determination and support, Elsa Hernández Manrique, P.Eng., transitioned her engineering career from Mexico to Alberta, achieving licensure with APEGA.
  • The Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer logo

    APEGA Employee’s Poem Chosen by Corporation of Seven Wardens

    We are proud to congratulate APEGA Director of Member Engagement & Communications Gisela Hippolt-Squair, BA, FGC (Hon.), for her poem “The Hand that Wears the Ring,” which was chosen as the new English poem for the Obligation Ceremony by the Corporation of the Seven Wardens.


  • Webinar | Major Engineering Projects: Current Practices, Challenges, and Game Changers

    The presentation will provide a quick analysis of current industry practices and list some value-improving practices to enhance the delivery of these highly complex projects and increase the predictability of engineering and construction projects.

  • Webinar | From Napkin Sketch to Commercial Success - An Overview of the New Technology and Product Development Journey

    This webinar includes an overview of industrial design and human factors, management of the product regulatory/certification pathway, intellectual property management, product management/product-market fit, and design for manufacturing/scaling strategies from product launch to high-volume manufacturing.

  • Medicine Hat Branch | Digital Signatures: Notarius

    During this in-person presentation, APEGA members will learn about the technological, professional, and legal frameworks underpinning the use of professional digital seals and signatures in Canada and understand why their clients would benefit from having a digital seal on electronic documents rather than having to manage paper originals.

  • FULL | Permit to Practice

    This two-hour webinar will focus on APEGA’s expectations for permit holders and Responsible Members.

  • Webinar | Building a Successful Engineering Career

    This session will cover how to make better career decisions, including creating a working career plan and examining types of success to help you build a satisfying and engaging career. Brought to you by the Calgary Branch. Everyone is welcome to attend.